Monday, June 28, 2010


When I was a child, I didn't read a lot of books, but I remember always liked see any book with pictures. Even, I remember a lot of histories, but just by the pictures, never rode that books. When I got older like 11 years old, somebody, I dont remember who, gave me an Oliver Twist book. This book was the first book I finished to read complete, and I did that a lot of times because when I rode that I could feel like inside the book. Actually I dont read a lot, but I'm sure, if some day i find a book very interesting for me, like that book I will read a lot of times.

Monday, June 21, 2010


For me, here in Calgary is the best transportation service. Here the most of the people is very polite, with some exceptions. in the bus or c-train you can be safe, but i think would be better if incrase the buses because some times at some zones in the city you have to wait a lot of time for get one bus. But talking about taxi, is realy expensive. In Mexico is a bus and some parts have metro (like c-train), but I never tried that services because I usually have my car to commute everywhere, there drive is the bes option and is not expensive like Calgary, for that reason the bus is just for the people who dont have car. Even, the Taxi service is too cheep, and the service is good but some times is not really safe. So I think, after live here, any transportation service in Mexico is worst than Calgary.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Soccer is wonderful. Now i'm so exited for the world cup, but i'm more exited about Mexico is playing in the world cup. I like to see soccer games, but just when the Mexican team is playing. If Mexico is not playing, I dont like to see soccer. I used play in a female team when i was 17. Mayby for 1 year playing 1 or 2 times for week: we never had a exausted training, the trainer was like our uncle and he was a our team player's phater. He just called us when we had a game versus other girls. We won in that time a local cup. I think that cup was because all people in the team were there just for fun and we were a exelent soccer team together. Each one was a good friend in that time and now when we see each other we remember with good feelings that good moments.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Calgary, The Safe City.

I think Calgary is a safe city, because here tjhe people is very kind. Maight be some people are different, but is not usually. Or maight be Calgary is a little bit dangerous, but depend the zone where are you. If you are in Dow Town, you are safer than in Marlboro station. where live a lot of dangerous people. For that reason if you want to avoid some dangerous situatio, you should stay in safe zones in Calgary, where are a lot of people together. Also you should't go out youre home after night, because some times the bad or drunk peole after the parties can offend you. I my City in Mexico is almost the same, if you are in a good zone you are safe, buet if you go to some zone whit people with problen, for sure some body attact you. I think the crime alway will be there, but you can avoid it.